Monday, July 14, 2014

B-Squad: Front squats, metcon, row sprints

My fitness promiscuity continues, as I've started seeing B-Squad on the side. 

Actually, it's long overdue.  Nolan, Mandy, AngDesj and Christian are some of my favourite people I've met since through CrossFit, so I'm glad to support their venture by purchasing a punch card.   While my current real-life circumstances don't permit me to commit to a full-time gym membership anywhere, I feel I will be well-served by regular visits to CrossFit Regina, Steve Volke's garage, and now B-Squad, supplemented by workouts in my basement.  

My first visit to the B-Squad gym, located in the basement of the YWCA where the pool used to be,  was very comfortable.  Nolan was coaching, and there were a few other people I knew.  It's not an official CrossFit affiliate, but any CrossFitter would feel right at home there, as it had all the equipment you would expect at a good CrossFit box.   They've got plenty of space, and good natural light. 

A. Front Squat 5-5-5

We were supposed to find a good working weight that would challenge us to do five reps. 
after the BFFF (big fat fucking fail) on front squat singles at CFR recently, I was looking to get my shit straight. 

I settled at 205 I did it.  For fives, that was all I was going to be able to do, and that was more than a little challenging. 

B. Metcon

Four rounds of:

8 pendelay rows
8 burpees over bar
8 kettlebell cleans (right hand)
8 kettlebell cleans (left)

This was a quick and nasty.  It took me 6:09.

C. Rowing Sprints

3 x 150m, resting 30 sec between.


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