Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lunchtime peptalk: Weighted planks and "Pull Yourself Together"

My legs are pretty sore today, a nice little reminder of yesterday's tryst with "Karen."

A. Skill = 3 x 30 second weighted plank hold
Have a partner put a plate on your back once you get into the plank position and hold for 30 seconds

I did 35-45-55 and that was plenty heavy. Afterward I checked the whiteboard to find out it was a middle-of-the-road weight for the guys who had already done it.

Then, Crystal chimes in with this bit of inspirational feel-good talk:

“You’re at the top end of the women’s results, Tyler.”

B. “Pull Yourself Together”
3 Rounds for Time
600m Row
25 Pullups


My goal was sub-15, so I'm good with this.

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