Friday, February 3, 2012

6 a.m. Waxing & Tanning: OHS and Row/DU

I showed up at CFR at 6 a.m. after approximately three hours sleep. I should be paying for that later today.

A. Overhead Squat 3-3-3


My previous best for 3s was 175. The 180 felt really good, actually easier than the 155, likely because I didn't warm up very much. I probably could have done a bit more.

B. 12 minute Time Cap:
2km Row (one score)
Max Double Unders in the remaining time (one score)

Row: 7:42
DUs: 141

I figured I would do a nice leisurely row, and I didn't burn myself out here, but I actually kept up a pretty good pace. the thing that really helped was the fact that we got Aaron to talk about random CrossFit-related things. It was like he was the Piano Man, but instead of playing songs on request, he'd talk about CrossFit stuff.

Questions I shouted out:
"Most common mistakes people make with overhead squats?"

"Tips on how can someone maximize their Fran time (if they were to do it right now)?"

"I'm about to pose for a calendar, do you have any advice you can share?"

For the last one, his tips involved tanning and waxing. I can't say I disagree with either of them.


Anonymous said...

Nice OHS numbers Tyler! Wow!

I'm envious.

That is all.


Tyler said...

Thanks D3. I would trade my OHS for your deadlifts any day, though.