Monday, November 30, 2009

"Cindy" makes Tyler forget how to count, again

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

I didn't see what the workout was going to be before coming in this morning. I think I'm going to do that more often.

I did all the pull-ups uninterrupted and almost all of squats that way, as well. I started partitioning the push-ups (FIXED; thanks, Kurt!)in the third round.

So, as I usually do for this, I set up one of the portable whiteboards near my station and put 20 notches on it. It makes for quicker marking if I just rub out (heh, I said "rub out") a notch with my finger when I complete a round, rather than un-cap a marker and write one.

But, like happened the last time I did this, there was a point in the workout where I wasn't sure if I marked a round down. I wasn't sure, but didn't rub out another notch, so I decided to go with the lesser result.

So, in the end, the whiteboard says I got 17 rounds, plus 5 pull-ups, plus 10 push-ups, plus 4 squats.

If you compare it to my previous Cindy result, I improved by only four squats. But I may have shortchanged myself this time by one round, so I might have improved by one round and four squats. And, if I double-counted a round the last time I did Cindy, I may have improved by as much as two rounds and four squats. I'm going to not give myself the benefit of the doubt here, and just go with the result above.


Anonymous said...

math, its the 11th skill


Kurt said...

You partitioned the sit-ups? I'll assume you meant push-ups and that you were delirious from all the effort required.

Robin said...

I wonder what the 13th skill is. ;)

Just had to say it one more time.

Tyler said...

Kurt, you mean we didn't have to do sit-ups, too? Shit, no wonder I only got 17 rounds!

Robin, I believe the 13th skill is lookin' sexy. I've mastered that one.