Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Basement: KISS - Keep it Simple, Sweatyfuck

It's only Wednesday, I've worked out more times in the past five days than I have for the rest of the month.  I have been having a bit of success lately sneaking in a quick metcon in between various domestic obligations, but I've probably just jinxed myself by saying that.

Earlier in the evening, I did a few sets of air squats while barbecuing.

I also did a couple sets of deadhang pull-ups on my pull-up bar in the garage (12 and 10. Not my best ever, but decent enough.)

Later on, the kids had just started a bath, and my wife hinted that she wanted a bit of time to herself, I seized the chance to sneak in a Basement workout.

When thinking about what I was going to do, there were the following considerations:

  • Workout needs to be quick... ideally sub-15 minutes
  • I've used the AirDyne a fair bit lately, and was worried my rower was getting jealous.
  • I've used my slam ball quite a bit, too.  I find it cathartic when something is bothering me.
  • I generally don't combine bell swings and rowing, as I feel like there's a little too much overlap in the "extending hips and pulling" motions.  The workout needs some sort of pushy motion.
  • My stomach is starting to hang over my belt a bit more than I'd like.   (Okay, yes, it's ALWAYS been like that, but a bit moreso as of late.) 

So I came up with a simple workout that addressed those needs.  Plus it was simple and not at any station for particularly long, so I was able to cycle through it quickly.

Five rounds, for time:

250m row
15 push-ups
15 sit-ups

Total time was 10:34.

Each round was between 1:48 and 2:17, and that includes time in and out of the rower, and unlocking my phone so I could hit the "lap" button on my phone's stopwatch.

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