Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Overhead Squats / Rowing Helen

I am so pleased with myself for being able to avoid the temptation to hit the snooze button for the first time in two weeks and actually make it to CFR for a 6am WOD.

As it turns out, everything we were doing today was stuff I like.

A. OHS 5-5-5 starting with 81 per cent of one-rep max.

The best one-rep max I could find of mine was 165, so I started with 135. After the WOD, I found that in December, I did 3 x 175, so I probably should have started higher. But I've also lost some strength due to the baby-induced break from CFR and being sick.

135-145-160 (5lb PR, I think). The 160 should barely count, because I walked it out a bit on the last rep. Jeff said it counted, but he's a generous soul. As it turns out, I used just enough weight.

B. Rowing Helen
Three rounds for time of:
500m row
21 bell swings (55lb)
12 pull-ups

Took me 13:44. I'm sure I've done Rowing Helen before, but couldn't find a time. It was probably better than this. I've been away from CFR so much, my pull-up callouses had disappeared, so this was even harder on my sissy hands. With my reduced cardio, this kicked my ass. Norm said I sounded like a smoker, the way I was coughing and hacking during and after.

1 comment:

Norm said...

Well Tyler, altough you sounded like a smoker you still beat me by 4 minutes and had a heavier kettlebell than me. Good job for taking almost a month off. Nice to see you around again buddy!