Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Pearl Harbor"

I had been out of commission for almost two weeks after hurting my back by TURNING AROUND.

Fuck, I'm old and frail.

This was a surprisingly bad injury. Moving my arm or head the wrong way would send a bolt of pain across my back so intense that I would literally drop to my knees. It kept me away from the gym and torpedoed my participation in the Burpee Challenge. Once I fell more than 500 behind, that was pretty much the point of no return.

Over the last few days, I finally felt like I could start back up again.

A. Row 1000m then, five rounds of:
20 pull-ups
7 push jerks of 135lbs

I had thought about doing the intermediate weight of 95lbs, but did a couple reps at 135 in the warm-up and it felt okay, so I went with the Rx'd weight. The real challenge on this WOD wasn't the push jerks, anyway. It was the ridiculous number of pull-ups. (I regard any WOD that demands more than 60 pull-ups as being excessive. If you'd like to know why, see the name of this blog.)

My time was 20:09, which wasn't stellar, but probably a little better than I expected.

B. 75 box jumps (20") in as few sets as possible.

There were some people who did these in one set. All I know is that I felt like I was going to pass out after 30.

I did it in three sets (30,25,20).

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