Friday, May 14, 2010

Strength - Workout A (sort of)

Back squats - Four sets of 5 x 255 lbs.

The extra set was because Aaron said I didn't get low enough on a couple of reps in the third set.

Shoulder press - FAIL. It took me three attempts to get five reps on my WARM-UP weight of 115 lbs. I did three reps of 130 before failing.

Deadlift. Three reps of 275lbs. I wanted to do five reps, but my back was sending me some warning signals.


Kurt said...

Maybe you should have gone down lower in your reset? Are you starting this again from square one or is it sort of a continuation of the strength training you were doing?

Tyler said...

I was thinking the same thing about starting lower. I am going to do that next time out. I will be following the same regimen as before, but with more of a mix of strength and metcons.

Annonomous said...

I would have to add that you need to figure out something for your back so you can DL. Resetting to a lower starting point isn't bad but do something about the core so you canake some gains and get your confidence back. Maybe lay off the 4 a days and give it some rest, are you taking FIsh oil?