Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Front Squats and Cardio Blitz

A. Front Squats 3-2-1-1-1


I need to squat more often. Why don't I squat more often?

B. “Cardio Blitz”
Dot Com from 110916
5 rounds for time of:
35 Double-Unders (sub 5x single skips)
200m Run (to 2nd power box with orange tape and back)

10:01 as rx'd.

I thought I could get in under 10 minutes, and pushed myself as hard as I could on the second half of the run (including yelling "Get there! GET THERE!!!" at myself like a fucking crazy person) but I missed it by thatmuch.

1 comment:

Kurt said...

It's one of those things that go down quickly if you don't do it. I've been stuck at a paltry 230 FS for a while but if I only do it once a month I shouldn't be surprised.