Wednesday, January 20, 2016

VolkeFit: Pros and cons of becoming a cyborg

A) Push -ups
Four rounds of 12.


B) Glute bridge hold (4 seconds) + 5 sit-ups

Done.  Sexily.

Looking back, I now realize I was supposed to alternate these two things.  A1 and A2 style.

C) EMOM 12 min
Even: 5 strict pull-ups
Odd: 20 alternating foam roller dead bugs

The strict pull-ups were quite hard on my left arm which still seems to be suffering from some sort of nerve issue.  I should get it checked out.  Or maybe just get one of those sweet prosthetics from LexCorp

D) Go Time!
27-21-18-12 of: 
Calories rowed
Dumbbell thrusters 2x40

14:30.  Thrusters suck the life out of me and make me question my very existence.  

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