Tuesday, March 17, 2015

VolkeFit: Pussy Magnet

A. Deadlifts 5-5-4-4-2
(Increase the weight for each set, resting about a minute between sets)
185, 205, 225, 245, 255.

It felt good to pick some moderately heavy weight off the ground.

B. Double Unders

2 minutes of DUs
2 minutes of rest
2 minutes of DUs
2 minutes of rest
2 minutes of DUs

I did 140, 130, and 100 for a total of 370, within a 10-minute period, with only 6 minutes of actual working time.  That would have been my 2nd best ever Rhiannon score.  Love my Rx rope!   Also, the lesson here is that it can be smart to strategically rest during this WOD.

I think it was between rounds 2 and 3 that I was sitting on Steve's steps, and his cat gave me a little nudge on my back with one of his claws... probably wondering if I felt as gross and sweaty as I looked (the answer to that question is always yes.)   I didn't expect it, so I jumped up like a spaz.

C. Swing, Burp, Jump

Three rounds of
30 seconds of bell swings (55lb)
30 seconds of burpees (strict)
30 seconds of box jumps (20")
2:30 rest

Round 1: 15, 7, 15
Round 2. 18, 8, 14
Round 3: 17, 8, 14

After the first round, I realized that I was pacing myself for a longer workout, which wasn't necessary for such a short period of time.  The next two rounds I was able to get a slightly higher output.

Following the workout, I was standing Steve's foyer, when his cat briefly attempted to climb me like a tree by jumping up to my chest and hooking its front claws in my shirt. I guess I'm just a pussy magnet.  The wrong kind.

Then I went home and drank two Guinness because St. Patrick's Day.

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