Monday, October 28, 2013

Squat cleans and another Tyler falls on his ass story

A. Clean Work

A1. (all at 50% – 60%) Spend 5 minutes doing clean pull to the knee only, focusing on back position and squeezing the floor away with your legs.

A2. (all at 50%-60%) 5 minutes doing tall cleans, focusing on the pull under and speed.

A3. Spend 15 mins to build to a heavy Clean, max 5 attempts, only increase weight with good form.

I did cleans of 155-185-195-205 

205 ties a PR from last year and was a big confidence booster since I failed on it during power cleans last week. 

B. Team Rowing:

With a group of 3(max), complete 10min of rowing to a max distance. Each person will row 20 strokes maximum before switching, continue with 20 strokes each for the 10 min period.

I teamed with Mitch and Cara.   We had a system where we would try to minimize transition time getting on and off the rower, so the other two teammates would loosen the footstraps.  Somehow, I got worse at this as the WOD progressed, so I ended up costing my teammates some time.   It wouldn't be the only way. 

So I was concentrating on big, powerful strokes, and thought I was doing okay.  Then Cara gets on the rower and proceeds to go full Viking on it.  I mean, this girl was going HARD at this rower.  It made me realize I needed to step up my game, so I tried going all out when it was my turn. 

Things were going okay until it was -- I think -- my second last turn.  Then, I hop on, start pulling furiously... and my ass rises enough off the seat that it ends up rolling out from under me. 

I bounce off the slide bar and am off  to one side.  I'm stuck there because my feet are immobilized.  I'm not hurt, just embarrassed.   But I can't move.  My teammates didn't realize at first that I was utterly helpless. 

"Uh, HELP!" I grunt.  Mitch helps pull me back up and I resume rowing.  I managed through the rest of my shift and my next one without falling off. 
We finished with 2807m rowed in 10 minutes. 

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