Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kim Fe's Dirty Dozen

That title sounds dirtier than I meant it to. 

Kim Fe loves chippers.  So she was coaching today and got to make up her own:

500m row buy-in
25 walking lunges
25 pull-ups
25 double unders
25 box jumps
25 ring dips
25 knees-to-elbows
25 bell swings
25 abmat sit-ups
25 dumbbell hang squat cleans (2x35)
25 push-ups
25 back extensions
25 wall balls
500m row

I found this pretty hard.  It took me 26:15.  I had way too many longer-than-necessary breaks, especially on the K2E.  Those were tough on the still-not-all-better leg, but once I concentrated on rocking back and looking up at the ceiling, they became manageable from a "my body is capable of doing these" standpoint.  However fatigue kicked in bigtime so it was more like "I don't want to do any more exercise, ever" situation.

The Boy has learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels, so we went for a long bike ride (for him) afterward.   

Later, I watched the CrossFit Games on TSN2 and gave thanks for the fact that I'm not an elite athlete.

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