Monday, November 5, 2012

When it comes to band names, "FUN" < "Barski Cleans" or "Burpee Suicides"

A. Barski Cleans: 75% x 3 x 5 sets

It's so weird, the right arm (elbow and shoulder) that have been giving me issues, even when not CrossFitting, feel FANTASTIC after doing cleans of any kind.  I think I will start doing cleans in my warm-up, even if it's just a few reps of 155 or so. 

Anyway, I liked doing these Barski cleans.  They're basically like three hang squat cleans in a row, but only using a really small dip on the clean.  Doing this helps you focus on getting down and catching it in a squat. 

I used 165. 

B. Burpee Suicides

5 yard distance

Start on one side, which is touch side, run to other side burpee side. Complete one burpee and run back to touch line. AMRAP Burpees in 5 minutes.

I did 48 in the 5:00 which I would classify as pretty good, but not great.  I would've been thrilled with 50.  By about 90 seconds in, I was hating life. 

And, just because I've had this song in my head for DAYS now, and sang badly along with it prior to the start of the burpee suicides, here's "Some Nights" by FUN.


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