Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"20-plus minutes of Tyler hating life"*

We did a group warm-up that was a nice change of pace from my usual wandering around doing random squats and a few sit-ups and pull-ups when the mood strikes.  It was stuff like inchworms, shuffles, bear crawls, butt-kicks, high knees, walking lunges+stretch, etc.

Then it was time for a metcon CFR entitled “Did someone say Cardio?” but that I more accurately described as "20-plus minutes of Tyler hating life."  

This was nasty. 

Five rounds
60seconds at one station, 30 seconds of rest in between
-Burpee suicides
-Row for calories
-Double Unders

I ended up with 324 which was on the low side compared to others I usually match up well with. 

As I said on the CFR site, I did not gameplan this one for maximum scoring at all.  I went balls-out on the burpee suicides and the rowing, so I had very little left in the tank for double-unders, which is where the highest scoring potential was. 

The most DUs I got in any minute was 40

Also, I didn't pace myself very well for a five-round WOD.

Still, at the end of it all, I just wanted to lie in a puddle of my own sweat.  I guess that means it was a good workout. 

*Alternate title for this blog post:

"High scores aren't everything," says the guy with the low score


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