Thursday, October 25, 2012

Back Squats and Rowing Sprints

A. Back Squats 1-1-1
The lift of the day was actually snatches.  I'm trying to rest my right arm, which seems to be helping sweet fuck all; I'm running out of options that don't involve me seeing a doctor, a physiotherapist or a teary-eyed farmer with a shotgun who wants to "do right by ol' Tyler."

Anyway, I did squats instead.  In between, I goofed around a lot.

285-295-310 (PR)

B. Rowing Sprints

500m x 5.  Rest two-four minutes between.  Or more.  This shit is hard, yo.

1:40, 1:41, 1:42, 1:49, 1:52

By the last one, I was just coasting.  I didn't set any PRs on this one, but it may have been my fastest-ever average over five sprints, because I didn't have the massive drop-off until later.  I'm not going to do the math to figure out.  Fuck math.

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