Monday, October 1, 2012

Cleans then Row/Burpees

A. 2 position Squat Cleans
@ 75% (floor/knee)+ Jerk on 2nd Clean, x5 sets

-Take 75% of your max clean (either squat or power).  In my case, this was 160lbs.
-Do a squat clean.
-Don't drop that bar! Your work ain't done.
-Do a hang squat clean.
-Finish with a jerk. 
-Rest a minute or so. 
-Repeat four times.


B. Row/Burpees

For time:

1000m row
50 speed burpees
500m row
25 speed burpees


Within 3 minutes, do 30 unbroken box jumps (20″), must step down.

Done.   Although the "within 3 minutes" thing is open to interpretation.  I took it to mean that you had to start it within three minutes of finishing the WOD, which I did.  (started at 2:59)    I'm pretty sure I took less than three minutes to do all 30 jumps, so I'm covered that way as well.

However, if it meant that we were supposed to COMPLETE it within three minutes of finishing the WOD, well, good fucking luck with that.


Aaron said...

You done right, starting within 3 minutes of the last burpee.

Tyler said...

Thanks, Aaron!