Monday, November 8, 2010

Power snatch, then AMRAP DB thrusters and fucking rope climbs

Power snatch

115-135-145-155(f)-145-150(fail-FUCK; aw,come ON!!)

I need to get my head on straight when it comes to doing lifts.

AMRAP in 12 minutes

9 DB thrusters with two 35lb dumbells
1 rope climb

5 rounds, plus 9 thrusters. I had lots of time left after the last round of thrusters, but couldn't haul my ass up the rope anymore. FMSH.


aaron said...

Being calm and cool under fire is crucial for the oly lifts. You can't carry baggage from a previous miss into the next attempt. Breathe deep, visualize a successful rep and make sure to jump hard from the right position. Maybe come to oly club a few times, if possible.

Kurt said...

If you speed through the lifts like you do with squats I can see why you have issues. You're either full on or full off. I've never seen you at 1/2 or 3/4 speed at the gym.