Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Gates of Fire 2"

UPDATE - I had mistakenly thought the name of this WOD was "Gates of Hell 2"

Apparently, they do a lot of weighted squats in Hell. After yesterday's Heavy Fran thrusters, this one was a little tough.

50 sit-ups
50 push-ups
25 front squats
25 back squats
25 overhead squats
25 front squats
50 pull-ups
50 sit-ups

Rx'd weight for the squats is 65lb.

I was doing fine on the sit-ups until the last 10. The push-ups started to suck really early, like after 20 of them.

On all of the squat variations, the most I ever did consecutively was 12, and there were sets of 3 and 4, too.

My sissy hands were a bit raw from yesterday's pull-ups, so after a couple of sets of 10, it was 5s, 4s, and - by the end - 1s.

The last 50 sit-ups sucked HARD. After 10, I was starting to question whether I could do it. I turned to face the clock to give me a bit of motivation. I was hoping to beat 16:30, but I had like 9 left at 16:35. I managed to squeak in under the 17:00 mark, though.


We were supposed to wait five minutes after the last person was finished, then do a 400m sprint. I got a bit more of a rest than others, but my thighs were still threatening a mutiny when we lined up. Right off the start, Janimal kept a pretty good pace in front of me. That girl is in shape. I found a little bit of energy on the final 200, and managed to push myself pretty hard in the last 100m.


After this, I wondered what Gates of Hell 1 is like. I found a video on YouTube. If this is true, it looks truly awful. It would also be impossible for me, because I can't deadlift 315 once, let alone three times every other minute. And don't get me started on rope climbs.


Leya said...

Okay, um... FUN. Seriously, I'm definitely wanting to try GofF1 now. That would make for a crazy Sat. a.m. WOD. I'm guessing women's weight would be 65lbs for the thruster and 200lbs for the deadlift?

Tyler said...

You are nuts. I had always kind of suspected it, and now I know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I did this at lunch. I thought it was weird that you said you didn't think you would finish the last 50 situps....and then it was my turn. FUCK! It was horrible. I used 65lbs and you'd think that part alone would have killed me. Thzt was the easy part compared to each grueling situp. Took my bloody 4 min. The first set took me a minute and maybe 15 sec. I reiterate FUCK!


Robin said...

Um... it's Gates of Fire, not Gates of Hell!

Anonymous said...

Felt like Hell to me.
