Wednesday, September 23, 2009


For time:

135lb cleans
Ring dips

Sometimes, you gotta get humbled by the CrossFit gods. This WOD combines two of my weaknesses into one neat little package. But I guess you can't get better if you don't try, right?

It took me 22:11.

I definitely wasted too much time between reps, especially on the cleans. I'd do one, ditch it, and have to re-psych myself up for the next one. I'm still a little freaked out by the 135lbs. Going in, I knew it was going to take me a long time, but I could have increased my intensity level. I'd like to try this again in a month or so.

This is one of those times I wish I hadn't looked on YouTube for an example video, because I see a bunch of dudes with 5- and 7-minute times.

Afterward, we had to do 6 x 15 Double Unders. The 15s had to be unbroken, or you start that set again. I managed to do them all unbroken. For people who did that, they then have to do a bonus set of max DUs. After a couple of "warm-ups" of 2 and 3, I managed 16.

Overheard at the Gym...
Tyler, the last one to finish his workout, is the last one packing up to leave.

Franz: "Alright, get out of the gym. I want to get home. I've got a beautiful woman sleeping in my bed."

Tyler: "Don't you live with your aunt?"


Anonymous said...

has anyone ever mentioned to you that maybe you think about it too much, instead of just lifting the fucking weight.


there I did it!

Tyler said...

You're probably right, but hey, that's real easy for you to say. Not all of us can lift a Buick.