Thursday, January 26, 2017

Regina Boxing Club: Whupped

It's been a while since I went to the RBC, and it was readily apparent today.

I snuck in a workout on my lunch hour.    Here's what we did:

A. 7 minutes of skipping with periodic breaks to do 7xsquat thrusts or 14x mountain climbers.

I am not good at extended bouts of single skipping.  My feet muscles started to get sore. And this was just the warm-up. Ack!

B. Bag work - 4 x 3minutes
-Moving around the bag and hitting
-Tabata straight rights and left (so hard)

C. Circuit.

(We went through this twice)

30s raising weights (2x 5lb... seriously) in front  (picture a Russian KB swing, with no hips or back movement)
30s leg raises
30x holding weights in front while doing high knees -
30s 45-degree leg holds (sort of like a hollow rock, but head was reclined)

30s rest

30s raising weights at your side (flapping like a bird)
30s bicycles
30s holding weights straight out at sides, jumping jacks
30s leg holds six inches off the ground (I turned this into a hollow rock for part of it, but then my lower back started hating me)

30s rest

30s shadow boxing, holding the weights while jogging in place
30s plank dips (R)
30s two punch combos, then move
30s plank dips (L)

As noted, repeat the whole goddamn thing.  

Then, if you're Tyler, get a DQ double cheeseburger and onion rings for lunch.

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