Sunday, November 13, 2016

Gold's with Nick: Oly Oly Oxenfree

Back at Gold's with Nick... the east location this time.

We worked mostly on some Olympic lifts, keeping the weights reasonable since Gold's Gym has like twenty treadmills but no bumper plates.

1. Olympic lifts 
Power cleans
Sets of five.  Did I go to 155 on this, or just keep it at 135?   Hmm... can't remember.

I finished these off with some squat cleans and jerks.

Rack jerks 
Sets of 3 - I went up to 175.

Fives.   Stayed at 95, since we can't drop the bar.

2. Other stuff:

-Incline dumbbell bench presses.  I used 2x40.   Nick used 2x85, I think.  Fuck.

-Tricep pull-downs.  - Nick told me to flex at the bottom.  I told him I WAS flexing, but my arms are just puny.

-Weighted pull-ups. - Chained a 25 lb plate to my waist and I tried to do 5.  Could only do four, twice.

3. ABS!!
35 seconds on, 25s rest:
-leg raises
-bicycle crunches
-Russian twists with a 15 lb plate (I think)

Then finish it off with a one-minute plank.

Then do the same thing, still ending with a plank, but in reverse order for everything else.

It hurt.  It hurt really bad.  I guess that's how you know it's working.

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