Sunday, September 11, 2016

Garage with Nick: Tag Teaming "Cindy"

We warmed up by playing catch with the 20-lb slamball, throwing it wall ball-like (starting with a full-squat, exploding up with a two-handed toss) over the pull-up bar.

Then it was time to introduce Nick to "Cindy." He had read about her on the internet, so he was aware of her nasty reputation.

He seemed somewhat reassured when I told him we would be tag-teaming.  Cindy is easier to handle when you take turns with a partner.

For 20 minutes, we alternated rounds of:

-5 pull-ups
-10 push-ups
-15 air squats

In the 20 minutes, we got 18* rounds, plus 2 pull-ups.

*We think.  At some point, we stopped keeping track.

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