Saturday, August 29, 2015

CrossFit Villians: Probably gonna regret this

400m run
10 ring rows
10 sit ups
10 bell swings (50 lb)
200m run

A) 5 x 3 overhead squat  - Finished at 175

B1) 4 x 15 GHD sit-ups, rest 60s
B2) 4 x 50m sprint, rest 60s

100 calorie row
50 pull-ups
25 deadlifts (245 lb!!)
25 pull-ups
100 double unders.


There was a lot of down-time in this WOD as I tried to will myself to wrap my hands around the pull-up bar or the barbell.

I probably should have done something else or scaled this back.  I got through it, and managed not to tear my sissy hands, but felt it in my arms for days afterward.

I may be an experienced CrossFitter, but I'm also a 39-year-old guy who doesn't come from an elite athletic background, and probably doesn't train consistently enough to keep up with the young dudes who don't even bother bringing a shirt to the gym.   This workout was a valuable reminder of that.  

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