Monday, July 13, 2015

VolkeFit: Cure for what ails me

I was feeling pretty crappy when I arrived at Steve's gym.  Headachey and just otherwise off.  I was wondering if I was going to puke and thinking I might have to take the following day off.  

A. Kettlebell overhead squats (four sets of 6-8)

I tried with 30lbs and I couldn't balance or confidently get low enough.  Steve had me do a few stretches and that seemed to help.  but this was still hard.  I did two sets at 30 and two at 35.

B. Three rounds:
20 wall ball
20 burpees (strict)
10 deadlifts 185lb

This is when I started feeling better, at least I didn't feel sick anymore.


C. Three minutes, max calories, on the AirDyne


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