Tuesday, April 7, 2015

VolkeFit: "Get the f--k up there!"

A. Bench Press - Work up to a tough single

I did 190, which is both a 15lb PR and the first time I've ever bench pressed my bodyweight.  (Previous PR was 175 for one rep, and I haven't gotten down to 175 bodyweight in a couple of years.)

Even though it's a pretty small number, considering that I'm an adult male who's been sporadically lifting weights for several years now, I was very happy with this.  It's more of a jump than I would have expected, with the lack of focus I've put on bench pressing.   To put it in perspective, I first did 170 for one rep in 2010 and I got up to 175 in 2014.

It sort of leads to a conundrum.  I'd like to get that number north of 200lbs, and it's obviously attainable if I was to put the work in.  But given the fact that I don't own (or plan to buy) a bench or any weights, that limits the time to when I could work on a bench press (or other lifts, for that matter) to when I'm at Steve's or B-Squad, which could potentially take away from the other CrossFit-esque stuff I like doing.

B. Sit-up Tabata



C. Metcon

5 sets
25 box jumps (20'')
25 calories AirDyne
10 kipping pull-ups


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