Tuesday, April 14, 2015

VolkeFit: The Blood of My Enemies*

A. Pull-ups 

Five sets of
3 strict pull-ups
5 kipping


B. Thrusters and Bike

30 Thrusters (115lb)
Every time you stop, do 12 calories on the Assault bike.

In order to minimize my time on this, I had to not waste a lot of time by having a bunch of bike rides.   My goal was to only have two bike rides, but I wasn't sure what kind of output I could sustain with 115 lbs.  If it had been 95 lbs, I'm pretty sure I could do this in two sets (one bike ride).

When starting the WOD, I did 15 thrusters at the start.  I hopped on the bike, but kept my pace reasonable.   I didn't want to go balls out and shave a few seconds off my ride, only to be too messed up to do a good number of thrusters.  While that might result in more exercise, it's all about the time on the clock.

The ride took me around a minute, then it was back to the bar.

I did 10 thrusters.  With 5 left, I was pretty confident I could finish the WOD with my last set.
Again, I kept the ride at a medium pace.

Then I hopped off the bike and finished the five remaining thrusters.


C. Plank

Three 20-second plank holds, in the push-up position.  20 second breaks in between.

*Today's blog post headline refers to a whimsical discussion with Jarvis involving goblet squats, and then just goblets, and things that one might put in goblets.  I'm not a psychopath, swearsies. 

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