Thursday, March 19, 2015

B-Squad: Rowing, Farmer's Walks and working out with the kids

A.  Rowing and Farmer's Walk
Five rounds of:

500m row (2:00 - 2:20 pace)
Farmer's walks, length of the gym and back (2x55lb KB)
Rest time = work time

My pace on the rows was a little faster than recommended.  It was generally in the 1:50-2:00 range per 500m.

If I really wanted to reduce my times,  I suppose I could have gone a little faster on the walk... though then it would have been a farmer's jog.  I could have also saved a few seconds by moving the rower closer to the kettlebells, rather than being in the middle of the gym.


B. Metcon: Burpee Box Jumps, Push-ups and Squats

My son, 7, has joined the B-Squad kids' workouts.  He's very enthusiastic about going to B-Squad on Thursdays.

The rest of the kids are members of a swim team.

They were very welcoming to him and were quite patient, even though he's a few years younger than their youngest member and tends to talk loudly and non-stop.   So were coaches Nolan (last week) and AngDesj, but that's not surprising since they are great people and they've known my son for years.

While I was doing the Rowing and Farmer's Walk WOD, the kids were doing deadlifts.  I have to say that seeing my boy lifting actual weights made me proud.

They also had a metcon:

Three rounds of:
10 Burpee box jumps (I used a 24")
10 Push-ups
10 Squats

I think this took me a little less than 5:00.

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