Monday, September 1, 2014


4 person team, for time, partition work as needed, one person working at a time:
200x Wall ball (20/14)
80 Burpees
200x double unders
80 Pull-ups
200x KB swings (55/35)
80 Box jumps (24 inch)
Row 80 cals

My team was the STALKers (Sarah, Tyler, Amy, Lorraine and Kim).  Because we had an extra member, two of them went at the same time. 

Here's the work I did:
50 wall balls (in sets of 10)
30 burpees (two sets of 15)
70 double unders (one set)
30 pull-ups (two sets of 15)
50 bell swings (five sets of 10)
20 box jumps (two sets of 10)
20 calories rowed (one set)

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