Saturday, March 15, 2014

VolkeFit - We Built This City

A. Warm-up - not for time

40 cal AirDyne
40 double unders
30 cal
30 DUs
20 cal
20 DUs
10 cal
10 DUs

B. Squat cleans

10 x 135
8 x 155
6 x 175
4 x 195

Done, except for the last ones.  I only did two, and they were ugly power cleans, then front squats.  I felt like I was probably courting disaster, so I called it. 

C. AMRAP x 2

Three-minute AMRAP:
6 KB thrusters (2x30lbs)
6 KB push-ups
6 sit-ups

Rest three minutes, then repeat.

First AMRAP: 4 rounds + 6 thrusters + 6 push-ups + 2 sit-ups (I think)
Second AMRAP: 4 rounds + 4 thrusters

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