Saturday, November 9, 2013

VolkeFit: Awesomesauce

I think Steve actually does name his WODs, but I can't for the life of me remember what he called what I did on Saturday.  For the time being, let's just call it "Awesomesauce":

12 minutes, rotating through three different one-minute tasks:

First minute:
-6 ball slams
-6 pull-ups

Second minute:
-5 burpees over kettlebell
-20 double-unders

Third minute:
-Ten calories on the AirDyne

Repeat this four times. 

A few notes:
-I was able to do everything in the time allotted. 
-I was worried I wouldn't get done the DUs in time, but I didn't have any problems there other than a couple of times my rope hit something.
-I managed to have a good 20 seconds left over to rest after the pull-ups.  I also had some time left over in each minute after the AirDyne. It's funny how 20 seconds can seem so short when you're resting, but so very long when you've already been holding a "hollow rock" pose for 40 seconds.  
-I find ball slams very cathartic. There was something uniquely satisfying about picking up something somewhat heavy and slamming that fucker down as hard as I can. Steve, if you're reading this, make me do more of those.

Afterward, Steve had Tracey do alternating four-minute stints on the AirDyne.  For the first two minutes, we'd go at a reasonable pace (I tried to keep my "watts" between 160 and 180) and then a bit faster in the second two minutes (I was over 200).

We each had three shifts.   I was happy when it was done. 

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