Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Close, but no PR: "Power Elizabeth" / 500m row for time

A. “Power Elizabeth”
21-15-9 reps for time of
Power cleans – 135/95lb
Ring Dips
20 minute time limit

I did this in 7:26 which I THOUGHT was 18 seconds better than my best recorded time. But I just checked and the best time I've done this in is 7:22, not 7:44.   So I was actually four seconds slower than my PR. 

Fuck.  Normally I wouldn't be that bothered by it, but today it annoys me, because I went into the WOD trying to beat the 7:44 and let up during the final set of dips of the WOD when I knew I would. I'm sure I could have found five seconds or even a bit more.

B. KB snatch practice, various weights up to 55/35lb

I still hate these.

C. 500m Row for time


This is darn close to a PR.   I thought my PR was 1:36, point something, but I can't find any evidence that I've done this faster than 1:37.7.

So, again I'm a little disappointed in myself that I didn't push (or in this case, pull) just a little bit harder. 

I tried a new technique of not bringing the handle as far forward as I could.  It seemed to make a difference.  I was on pace for a 1:35/500m time for a good chunk of this sprint.    

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