Monday, September 17, 2012

Clockless CLOC #5

Yesterday's WOD at CrossFit Regina was back squats and then "Helen."  My lower back was sore for most of the day so I decided that I wasn't going to chance further aggravating it. 

Instead, I decided to to CLOC #5 from last week:

15 power cleans @ 115lbs
30 double unders
10 power cleans @ 135lbs
30 double unders
5 power cleans @155lbs

There were various groups doing various things around the gym, and  clock was already running, so I started doing the WOD on my own. 

I neglected to let either of the coaches know, so Keenan re-set the clock while I was about 90 seconds in.  He was extremely apologetic, but honestly, he did me a favour. 

I was thinking I'd get finished this WOD in under 5:00 and I might even threaten the 4:00 mark if my DUs were on. 

They weren't.  AT ALL.

Despite the fact that I didn't have a clock running, I was trying to get it done as quick as possible.  But I couldn't string together more than 10 DUs in a row for the most part.   And the more inept I was at them, the more pissed off I became.  And the more pissed off I got, the worse my DUs became.  By the end, I was a hapless-skipping rage monster. 

I don't know how long this took me, but it's very possible I wouldn't have made it under the 7-minute time cap.


Leya said...

"hapless-skipping rage monster"

This may be one of the best descriptors ever written.

Tyler said...

I consider this high praise from the author of "80's style Soviet Bloc gymnastics hard".