Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In 10 minutes find:  1RM Push Press, then 1RM Front Squats.
10 minutes max for both, racks allowed for both.

I like these kind of  competition WODs.  Several times, with the benefit of a a decent warm-up, I have a new PR.  Maybe short amount of time actually helps generate some adrenaline or nervous energy or something that helps the lift.  Plus, I don't have too much time to psyche myself out.

For the push press, I started out at 165, then did 185 and 195 (one-rep PR by 10 lbs)

For the front squat, I can't remember what I did.  Probably 225, 245, and then 255 (one-rep PR by 5 lbs)

Total: 450bs

B. CLOC#4 = Chipper

50 Wall Ball – 20lb to 10′ for guys
40 Overhead Lunges – 20 per leg with 25lb plate for guys
30 Box Jumps – 24″ for guys
20 Push-ups
10 Toes to Bar

7:03.  This is an okay time a bit faster than I expected.  Some other guys just killed this WOD... I think Uncles had some crazy time like 4:44.   It was weird not having the clock on the wall showing where we were at time-wise for this WOD (it was being used for another group doing CLOC #3) and not having any idea how fast or slow I was going.  I'm not sure if it helped or not.  I'd like to think I could have pushed a bit harder if I knew I had a shot at being sub-7.   Or maybe knowing that I was going faster than I expected would have made me complacent.

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