Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Re-kindling my love of Back Squats, plus a fling with Rhiannon

Back Squats and I have had our ups and downs. Back when I was doing Strength, there was a time when all I wanted to do was Squat. It was easy to forsake all other forms of CrossFit. I couldn't get enough.

But then -- and I blame myself for this -- things took a bit of a downturn. The relationship became more like work. Instead of being excited to do Back Squats, I started dreading them.

I let myself go. I didn't just gain strength weight, I gained fatass weight. I was drinking too much (milk), and I stopped appreciating everything Back Squats had done and was still doing for me. Then I got hurt and decided to end the relationship.

Sure, I'd still Back Squat occasionally. I didn't avoid them, but I exactly didn't make an effort to get to the gym when I knew there would be Back Squats there.

However, in the last couple of months, I've been re-establishing my relationship with Back Squats. We're not exclusive -- I'm still doing other WODs -- but I think that's what makes it work. Things are better between us than they've ever been.

A. 20 minutes to a max Back Squat triple 3-3-3-3-3


B. Rhiannon – 10 minutes of max double-unders.

317. Not a PR, or even second best, but I'll take it.


Anonymous said...

See you make it sound sexy as opposed to my sounding like stalker.

Nice PR this morning, I woulda went higher.

Tyler said...

Thanks, Harlan.

Of course YOU would have went harder. You are stronger than me. However, I barely got the 290 up and I wasn't gonna push my luck today. Next time.