Monday, March 12, 2012

Sometimes, just showing up is enough

I stayed up too late last night to go to CrossFit at 6am this morning, but I got up anyway.

However, this was not a morning that I would be setting any PRs. Sometimes, just showing up is enough.

A. Hang Squat Snatch 3-2-1-1-1

Maxed out with a 115lb single. My PR on a squat snatch is 140, but I suspect that was more of a power snatch/overhead squat type of combo. I was trying to get under the bar and catch it in a squat today.

B. 3-5 Rounds for time of:
30 Double-Unders
20 Wallball 20/14lb
10 Pull-Ups

I had intentions of doing five rounds of this when I started. Instead, I called it a morning after three rounds in around 8:30.

I'll take tomorrow off and come back with some actual motivation on Wednesday.

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