Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hitting the wall on 12.4

12 min AMRAP of:

150 Wall Ball
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle-ups

I can't do muscle-ups yet and it wasn't likely I was gonna start on this. But I thought it was a reasonable goal to get to the end of the double unders.

I was right. It was a reasonable goal. But I didn't get there.

The 150 wall balls had kicked the shit out of my legs and I could not get going on the DUs.

Then, it felt like my feet started to swell up so I thought it would be a good idea to kick off my shoes.

Fucking stupid. Every time I failed on a DU, I would whip myself across the top of my toes. Turns out, I also have sissy feet. My gas tank was near empty, my concentration was wrecked and my confidence was gone.

I finished with 150 WB and 70 DUs. I should have been able to do 90 in the more than three minutes I had, but I didn't.


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