Friday, January 27, 2012

Lunchtime hypocrisy: Front squats and "Every Rep Counts"

Overheard at the Gym

"You should post that rule."
-Dude from Saskatoon, good-naturedly complaining about the 10-burpees-for-swearing rule after saying "Fuck you, OPT" during the course of the OPT metcon.

"Hey, it's not written anywhere that you're not supposed to pee on the floor, but we don't want you to do that, either."
-Tyler the Hypocrite, who actually inspired the burpee punishment for profanity.

A. Front Squat 3-3-3
*Start at 85% of 1RM and increase

I did 205 and 225, then failed at 250
. Well, I got one at 250, so I can claim that as my new one-rep max, I guess. It's five pounds more than my current one-rep PR. See, if I had realized that, I would have gone for only 235 for the three-rep PR, but I convinced myself that my three-rep PR was not properly recorded on the sidebar.

It's alright. It's good to fail sometimes. If you never fail, you're probably not challenging yourself enough. I think I am sometimes guilty of that. I have a fragile ego and CrossFit is one of the ways I am able to convince myself that I am utterly awesome despite, yknow, everything else I do.

B. “Every Reps Counts” 2009 Qualifier WOD
As many rounds in 20 minutes of
10 Wall Ball 20/14lb
10 Box Jumps 20″
10 Deadlift 205/145lb
10 Speed Burpees

My score was 221, which equates to 5 rounds, plus 10 WB, 10 BJ, and 1 deadlift. No matter what, I was gonna get that one fucking deadlift.

Holy shit, though, I thought the deadlifts were awful on this. I am weak. WEAK!

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