Wednesday, January 25, 2012

6 a.m. Bedroom Eyes: Turkish Get-Ups and "Oh My"

Second day in a row getting up in time for the 6am WOD. Partial credit goes to my son, who crawled into my bed at 5:14 to ask if he could go downstairs and watch TV.

A. Turkish Get-Ups 3-2-1-1-1

This is only the second time I have ever done Turkish Get-Ups. I like them, but am not that good with them.

3 x 40lb dumbell
2 x 55lb dumbell
1 x 45lb barbell (harder, because of the balancing
1 x 55lb barbell

I then failed three separate times with the 70lb kettlebell. Very close, though.

B. “Oh My!” 7 rounds for time of
7 Hang Power Clean
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press or Push Jerk
20 Double-Unders
Men 75lb/Women 55lb, Intermediate 65/45, Beginners 3-5 rounds with 45/33

11:25 as rx'd. All the DUs were uninterrupted. Not so much for the weight complex after the second round. I should have taped my right wrist, as I was still feeling that injury from a few weeks back on the cleans.

One of the problems with doing the DUs uninterrupted is that it doesn't give you much time for rest.

C. 1km Row for time

4:07. That's an approximate time. I took a break while rowing and the clock read 3:57 when I was done, but I realized at the end that the timer might have stopped when I was resting.

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