Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Front Squats and "Deuces"

A. Strength
Front Squat (start at 70% of 1 Rep Max)

I started at 175, which is slightly more than 70% of my one-rep max of 245.

Set 1: 175lb
Set 2: 205(old PR, according to my shoddy recordkeeping anyway)
Set 3: 225 (new PR)

I was actually a bit nervous on the 225, which is my PR for 3's, and almost psyched myself out. But it went up.

B. Metcon
“Deuces” - For Time
- 2 minutes of Lunges
- 2 minutes of Toes 2 Bar
- 2 minutes of Situps
- 2 minutes of Burpees
- 2 minutes of Squats
Coaches Note: Continuous clock with no clock stoppage between exercise transitions. Add up all reps from each exercise for total score.

I scored 257.

I think I got:
78 lunges,
29 T2B
63 sit-ups
27 burpees
60 squats

Those numbers might not be my exact scores, but it does add up to 257.

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