Thursday, September 16, 2010


I went to CFR yesterday to practice some Kettlebelle clean and jerks (I suck at them still). I threw in some double-unders for fun, but mostly took it easy.

The first event for the Prairie CrossFit Challenge this weekend has been unveiled:

We'll start with a 1.3km run, including through a culvert, up and down some stairs, to a park where we'll crawl or log-roll (probably crawl) under 115 feet of military grade camo-netting. Then we'll grab a 70lb sandbag, take it around some pylons, and heft it over a series of hurdles, which we have to crawl under. Then loading a pair of 60lb buckets with dirt for some farmer-walking action, finished off with some burpees. YAY FUCKING BURPEES.

UPDATE: Here are video descriptions of the other events.

So... what are YOU doing this weekend?

1 comment:

Leya said...

EXCITING! The first WOD is all kinds of awesome.

My word verification is dicsil... oops, wrong blog.