Friday, September 10, 2010

"Fran": The clock doesn't lie

5:03 (PR)

Beat my previous time (when I fell off the bar) by three seconds.

I'm not depressed about this or anything. It's a pretty good time. Normally, I'm happy with any kind of personal record, and once you've been doing CrossFit for a while, the margins of improvement inevitably decrease, especially with a quick WOD like Fran.

Having said that, I would have liked to get sub-5. I believe I am capable of doing better than I did this morning. But I'm not going to start listing reasons why I didn't live up to my own expectations because they would be nothing more than excuses.

Bottom line: the clock doesn't lie. My Fran time is 5:03.


a said...

PR is a PR! Good work!

Anonymous said...

Nice work Tyler!

What was your rep scheme like?


Tyler said...


D3 - When I did this last year, I did all 21 thrusters without dropping the bar and all 21 pull-ups without dropping off.

Today, I didn't drop the bar, but on my very first thruster, I almost lost control. Then I took a couple of pauses with the bar locked out overhead, probably around reps 11 and 18.

First round pull-ups: 14 straight, on the 8-foot bar then sets of four and three on the 7-footer.

Second round...

Thrusters 8+7

Pull-ups - 6, 5, 3, 1 (I think)

Third round...
Thrusters 5+4

Pull-ups - three sets. Aaron asked me later if it was because I wanted to be sure not to fall off the bar again. Nope. That was just all that I was capable of doing.

I think I prefer doing it in the evenings on a "Fran Day" when the atmosphere is all intense and you've got a bunch of people yelling at you. Last year, Tunison was yelling me through the whole thing, plus Kurt was watching and I never want to let Kurt down.

I'm predicting sub-5 for you today, BTW.

Anonymous said...

I wish your prediction was right Tyler, I was hoping for a sub 5 PR too, but I got worked by Fran. Bad! B.A.D.

6:23 - which is a minute and change off my previous best. That's an eternity in Fran time!

I have no good explanation. I did unbroken thrusters the first round, 7's for pull ups then it was down hill from there.

I guess there's always next time. Damn, that hurt. In the heart.

Hopefully I'll have a better performance in the Chugg-off!
