Monday, March 15, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Back squats: Three reps of 5 x 265 lbs

Tough. This was my one-rep max the last time I did the Total.

Bench press: Three reps of 5 x 135 lbs

It felt pretty good, but the fifth rep on each of the last two sets was heavy.

Power cleans: Five reps of 3 x 150 lbs.

Felt good.


Kurt said...

How’s the milk thing going? I’m cutting it out of my diet for the meantime – I’m turning into a hormonal teenager with acne issues. I seem to have more issues with milk than most so I’ll just up my protein instead.

aaron said...

Kurt, the milk is not solely about protein, it is about increasing total calorie intake. Milk makes it easy to achieve a calorie surplus, and when you have a calorie surplus you ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to facilitate growth and recovery. That is how you will continue to get stronger on a regular basis. If you want to replace the milk, do more than replace it with protein. Definitely add more fat. Even carbs will help here.

Tyler said...

As for your question, I'm still doing the milk, but never really consistently did a gallon a day.

Right now, I probably drink 1.5 - 2 litres per day. Other than that, I'm eating fairly cleanly, but a lot.

Anonymous said...

Milk = bad.

Kurt said...

Sounds like a plan. I have no problem upping my food intake with added farts and carbs. Maybe I'll just cut down on the milk volume to half a gallon and see how I respond.

I get that the milk is a cheap and easy way to spike my insulin to get increased testosterone but the acne is bugging me. There is no easy way to get strength gains I'm finding out.

Christian said...

Added Farts and Carbs?

aaron said...

Freudian slip, I guess.