Monday, March 29, 2010

Strength - Workout B - Well, sort of

Went to CrossFit Regina on Saturday morning to attone for a week of ice cream cake eating.

I'm not sure what happened, but when I was doing some warm-up squats at 225lbs, something didn't feel right in my lower back. It hadn't been bothering me before then, and I didn't squat any differently than I otherwise do.

I decided against doing heavy squats. Harlan suggested doing a lighter weight at more reps so the work would be the same. I agreed and instead did:

Three sets of 10 x 140lbs.

It wasn't easy, but I can't say it was nearly as challenging as doing three sets of 5 x 275 would have been.

Afterward, I did bench press:

Three sets of 5 x 140lbs.

And that was pretty much it. Lame, huh?

The worst part is, my back is still bothering me as I write more than two days later. Fuck.


Kurt said...

Tyler, I’ve tweaked my back before and sometimes an imperceptible movement can cause a twinge. It’s most likely nothing serious but I’d foam roll like a motherfucker, do those animal movement warm-ups and get Tracey to work the area with her elbows. Hell, it could even have been caused by your 3x5 heavy deadlift attempt and the back squat warm-ups exacerbated the issue.

Darcy 'D2' said...

You guys do your strength training at CFR ... interesting. I wonder if I can work out a deal with Robin and Aaron to let me come in and do Ripptoe's starting strength workout a couple times a week. Gold's only has one power rack and people keep insisting on doing arm curls on it. Really really frusturating