Thursday, March 4, 2010

How many sets for 100 pull-ups?

We had to do 100 pull-ups, for time.

The catch was, every time you drop off the bar, you have to do 10 thrusters with 2 x 35lbs dumbbells

As rx'd in a seemingly endless 22:43 or something.

Sets of 25-15-11-11-12-8-12-8, and, of course 70 thrusters.

If you add them up, you'll see that I did 102 pull-ups. That's because I can't do math. (74 + 8 does not = 80)


aaron said...

Maybe the "sissy hands" are not why you aren't good at pull-ups? (I actually disagree that you are not good at pull-ups).
Robin and I are discussing whether to get a TA to accompany you during your workouts.

Tyler said...

I would now say that I am decent at pull-ups. The sissy hands are why I'm not better at them.