Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tyler pussies out, uh, does the smart thing, uh, DNFFs

Yesterday at CrossFit was the hero WOD "Stephen."

30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of:

Back extensions
Knees to elbows
Stiff-leg deadlifts.

I was never really comfortable with the technique for the stiff-leg deadlifts, and I was probably rounding my back too much and trying to go too fast. I'm not sure if it was just that, or that combined with the GHDs and back extensions, but whatever it was, my back was really starting to bother me after the second round.

At that point, I convinced myself that if I kept going, my form was going to suffer to the point where I would end up hurting my back and have to take a week off, which would derail my strength training.

So I decided to take a DNFF (Did Not Fucking Finish). I've been in a bit of a foul mood about it ever since.

I don't like DNFFs. I don't remember the last time I had one, other than a crazy Painstorm called "My Pet Rock."

If I'm being honest, I'm pissed because there's at least part of me that believes I should have finished the fucking WOD like everyone else, and that there's a difference between being merely sore and being actually injured.

And I also think that maybe I was just being a pussy because my hands hurt from the knees to elbows and I wasn't making the kind of time on the WOD that I thought I should have been.

So I'm not just a pussy, I'm also that fucking kid who takes his ball and goes home when he doesn't win the game.

There's only one cure for this condition.

More cowbell?

No. More CrossFit.