Sunday, February 14, 2010

Strength - Workout A

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 220 lbs

Shoulder press - Three sets of 5 x 105 lbs

Deadlifts - One set of 5 x 265 lbs

Weighted pull-ups - Three sets of 5 x 27.5 lbs.


Chris said...

Hey man, there was no spot to comment on the other post when I looked. Probably something on my end but I wanted to say don't worry about the DNF. I took one the other day.

With the heavy strength work you are doing I would think that you need to rest your back and core. And a WOD like that Hero might not be a very good idea anyway.
Don't feel bad about it. 420 reps of things like that could cause some damage if you are fatigued, and possibly even if you are rested. Personally I wouldn't likely attempt it because of the GHD's(I don't ever do them with high reps)

Tyler said...

Thanks, Chris. I'm not a huge fan of high-rep GHDs, either.

I went and did some strength stuff at noon and am in a much better mood now.