Thursday, February 11, 2010

Strength - Workout B

Back squats - Three sets of 5 x 215lbs

Bench press - Three sets of 5 x 110lbs

Power clean - Five sets of 3 x 125lbs

There's a slight chance that I may have only done 210 on the back squats. So I did an extra set of 5 x 215 (I'm sure this time) at the end to atone.


Robin said...

A nice little tip: If you have 2 1/2 lb plates on the ends, the # ends in 0, i.e. 210. If you did not have 2 1/2 lb plates on the end, the # ended in 5.

Tyler said...

Yeah... if I screwed up, it was because I had a 10 on one side and a 15 on the other.