Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Basement: Row, Row, Row Some More

10 x 500m rows (medium pace, one minute rest between rounds)

This was inspired by a Saturday workout I heard about (but did not actually do) at B-Squad.

The B-Squad WOD involved 20 freaking rounds of 500m row, which to me, sounds like something that would be a featured attraction in the Third Circle of Hell (with your special hostess, Jillian Michaels!)

I was informed that, no, it wasn't that bad, and the idea behind the WOD was not to row at a sprinty pace, but more of a 2:10/500m kind of thing, with a minute in between.

My rower has been largely gathering dust in the fitness room, because on the occasions that I actually take the initiative to do a home workout, I can always find something that I'd rather do than row.

But, I also had some wrestling PVR'd and my rower faces the TV, so that made me decide to do an abbreviated version of the workout.

As it turns out, I was able to do the 10 rounds of 500m fairly easily.  I probably could have done the 20 rounds, but I thought my wife needed help getting the kids to bed.  

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