Saturday, May 3, 2014

VolkeFit: Cleans and Burpees

I took a week off.  I didn't plan to.  I didn't need to.  It sort of just happened. 

Back at Steve's garage, I had a nice little surprise, as my new jump rope from Rogue has arrived.  It's got a silver rope and orange handles the colour of traffic cones.  It's pretty badass. 

As part of my warm-up, I did a set of double unders.   As a matter of fact, I set a new PR with 90 consecutive.  Considering this comes one week (and only one workout) after setting a new PR of 80, and not that long after a new best of 70.  I'm pretty pleased about that. 

Today, for the workout I did:

15 power cleans (115lbs)
15 burpees
12 power cleans (115lbs)
12 burpees
9 power cleans (115lbs)
9 burpees

It took me 5:03

I rested for 6 minutes, then did:

12 power cleans (135lbs)
12 burpees
9 power cleans
9 burpees
6 power cleans
6 burpees

It took me 5:23.

Afterward, I did 100 burpees, not for time.  I was trying to do them in as few sets as possible.
First set: 69
Second set: 31

Then I did 2km on the AirDyne.  It took 3:00 exactly

Then the Wife and I went and completely undid any good we just did by stuffing our faces at I Love Sushi.

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